This week the Raiders are promoting the start of Canberra Region Rugby League competitions, both Senior & Junior, and as part of this the Club is delighted to announce a whole club resource for coaches, players, parents and volunteers that is set to make the game easier to deliver through a more connected sport community.
Featuring hundreds of skills, drills and plays video, this free to access online tool which is narrated by Raider #51 Dean Lance, also includes a significant amount of health and wellbeing information.
The Canberra Region Rugby League ‘road-tested’ the product with the West Belconnen Club last week and club delegate Michelle Fisher reported “Our coaches have just come back from an info session and they are buzzing!"
The Raiders Complete League is now available in App Stores, IOS and Android;
Both the Raiders and Canberra Region Rugby League, after extending an invitation to join through their registered database, will next approach local schools across the Capital Region to join.