The Canberra Raiders (on behalf of the Queanbeyan Leagues Club) have continued bushfire relief contributions into the far South Coast of NSW by donating $10,000 to the Cobargo District Emergency Hay Fund. The recipient fund assists with the purchase of hay, chaff pellets etc. and is made available to local farmers in the area, many of whom have lost everything during the recent New Year bushfires.
Jeremy Wyatt, General Manager of the Queanbeyan Leagues Club said that passing on $10,000 to Raiders team members to present at the Cobargo Hotel recently was a simple decision “We selected this charity not only because of their real need, but because the affected farmers contribute significantly to our own Licensed Club operations. It is our pleasure to support directly those that regularly support us”.
This latest cash contribution means that the donation tally to date from the Raiders Group has risen to $31,000, with prior donations to CWA -Batlow Branch and identified Shoalhaven Rural Fire Service units.