Canberra Region Wheelchair Rugby League (CRWRL) held their first Come & Try Day on Sunday at the Queanbeyan Indoor Sports Centre, with new and returning players joining in the action.
Participants present were able to have a roll around in the wheelchairs and get in some practice in anticipation for the inaugural CRWRL season, which is due to commence on Sunday 28th March 2021.
There were great skills on show from both a mix of experienced and first-time players.
Steve Hewson, former head coach of the Wheelaroos Australian team, was on hand to show players how to improve their skills and run them through an exhibition game.
The Autumn season is formatted to run over six rounds fortnightly, with Grand Finals set to take place on Sunday the 6th June.
Organisers were pleased with the turnout for the event and excited at having a wide range of participants involved.
CRWRL looks to be recognised as an all-inclusive sport for all competitors regardless of age, gender or ability.
The game can be played by anyone, including regular wheelchair users or those who are able bodied.
The second Come & Try Day is happening on Sunday the 14th March 2021 at the Queanbeyan Indoor Sports Centre from 9:30am to 11:30am.
Anyone who is interested is encouraged to come down and get involved in our all-inclusive game.
Register your interest to or on Eventbrite.