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The Canberra Raiders have partnered with One Training to deliver the First Nations  ‘Skills for Life’ Labour Market Program in the Capital Region. With the Canberra Raiders strong community ties and with the expertise of One Training, the program has provided a sense of connection and community to disadvantaged First Nations job seekers.

The First Nations ‘Skills for Life’ Labour Market Program is a comprehensive and innovative initiative specifically designed to equip Indigenous participants with essential employability skills and specialised labour market training.

A culturally sensitive program, empowering participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the construction industry while promoting personal growth, development and wellbeing. The ten-day program commences with an emphasis on wellbeing, exploring employment opportunities and their contribution to a better life. Professional First Nations athletes co-facilitate the team-based learning strategies and activities. Participants develop their soft skills, including effective communication, teamwork and problem-solving, and explore the local labour market, construction industry and digital self-marketing.

The Canberra Raiders were able to host the participants for both their Information Day (Day 1) and Graduation Day (Day 10) at the Raiders Centre in Braddon with Raiders players also visiting participants off-site during the program to share their stories and experiences and assist with facilitating the program.

The program provides participants with opportunities to connect with local employers who have pledged available job opportunities to participants and provides industry-specific training ensuring participants meet entry-level employment requirements for the construction industry. The program sets participants apart as standout candidates in the local job market, providing them with confidence and a clear pathway to employment opportunities.

For more information regarding One Training visit

The journey of this amazing program was documented and can be viewed below in four (4) short episodes.

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Skills for Life - Episode 1

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Skills for Life - Episode 2

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Skills for Life - Episode 3

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Skills for Life - Episode 4